My Edible Garden

Edible Landscaping the Backyard

Sustainable Living

It's not that hard.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mother Nature Drops By...

 Just last Sunday, mother nature blew through. It wasn't surprising because the weather folks were expecting some storms days ago. I was happy because our garden needed the rain. As the lightning and rain began, all seemed fine. Then a big gust of wind blew through, knocking out tons of limbs from our infamous willow tree. As I glanced out the window, I noticed a larger branch on the ground. Half of our crabapple tree was now laying on the ground. It's the second infamous tree in our front yard.

 Luckily, clean-up was fairly easy, and our county has a compost site where we can trash our limbs for free. The large branch that fell from the crabapple was indeed rotten and soft in the middle. It was on our "cut-down list," so the whole tree will be coming down eventually. But I'd rather that be on my own time instead of mother nature's.